No More Excuses


Let’s face it, we all make excuses. Excuses to postpone loving and taking care of ourselves. Caring for everyone else is the default setting for most women I know.

Most of the time, we just get caught up in the tasks of daily life (myself included). A demanding job or business, busy household, kids and their schooling, a spouse/partner, and a seemingly endless to-do list.

But no matter what you have going on, you can take the time to do something special, like a boudoir shoot, just for yourself. And you are totally worth it.

It’s easy to give ourselves excuses like, “I just need to lose 10 more pounds,’” or “I don’t have that in my budget right now,” or “I am too busy to do this...”
You get the picture. There’s never enough time in the day. We’re never going to be “perfect,” and at the end of the day, we all find ways to save for the items or experiences we really want.

So let’s kill these excuses, one by one.

Excuse #1: “I don’t have enough time”

It’s hard to pour from an empty cup — so if you’re not taking care of yourself, it’s going to be a lot harder to take care of those around you. I have personally struggled with this for several years and to this day, have to remind myself to take time out for me, doing things I enjoy— even if it’s just a couple of times a week.
During a boudoir shoot, you’ll be able to take a few hours to yourself, to breathe, listen to your favorite music, get glammed up and connect with yourself through a sensual experience that is designed to make you look and feel amazing.

No negative self talk; no comparing yourself to anyone, no worrying about how you look or what others think. A boudoir shoot is all about feeling like a queen and letting her be whoever she wants to be for a day.

Excuse #2: “I still need to lose 10-15 more pounds”

Are you still under the impression that the bodies you see in the media (actors, models, singers, Kardashians…) are the ideal?
Did you know that those same bodies only represent 5 percent of American women? FIVE PERCENT?! So why do you have to be a certain size or weight to LOVE who you are right now?

I can’t stress this enough: STOP comparing yourself to these genetic mutants; no offense to the skinny girls out there.

Stop believing that you need to be a size 4 to be beautiful. I mean, it’s great to have healthy goals, to want to eat right and look good— but why hate on yourself in the process? Why not take pride in your appearance every day— wherever you are in your journey?

woman on sofa in purple lingerie Boudoir photograph

Excuse #3 “I don’t feel sexy, so a boudoir shoot isn’t for me”

This excuse is dead wrong and here’s why: this is the EXACT reason a shoot like this absolutely IS for you.

We all lose touch with our sensuality for all the reasons I mentioned above: kids, work, business, etc...

I recall not feeling sexy for an entire year after my first child 13 over years ago. I would look at myself in the mirror and feel blah; just disconnected from the desire to do anything nice for myself or to get dressed up. I wore the mom jeans and just put my hair up in a ponytail. Not that there’s anything wrong with that; It happens to all of us — and that’s completely normal and comes with the territory of motherhood.

A great way to rediscover your sexy is to ignite that spark through a boudoir shoot, where I can show you exactly how to pose and express yourself to experience that feeling. Drawing out a range of emotions: flirtation, confidence, vulnerability, longing and desire, will definitely help you connect with your inner vixen.

I hear it all the time: the transformative effect of a boudoir shoot has led women to bolder life moves: whether it be in their careers, navigating the dating world and in their romantic relationships. Women get their confidence back and that powerful energy permeates their entire life.

Keep in mind that a boudoir shoot doesn’t mean you HAVE to wear lingerie to be sexy. If that’s not who you are—no worries! There are so many other options to make your personality shine: glamour or evening wear, robes, men’s shirts, and a ton of other ideas out there. Need some inspiration? Let’s talk! One of my favorite things is coming up with outfit concepts based on the styles and artwork you love.

close up woman's face in Boudoir photograph

Excuse #4: “I don’t have the budget for this right now”

Yes, a boudoir shoot IS definitely an investment. But it’s an investment in your relationship with the MOST important person in your life: you.

You might think you shouldn’t spend that much money on yourself. Or talk yourself into believing that there are other, more important things to spend your money on.

Maybe you’re saving up for a vacation. Maybe your car is on the fritz.

Maybe you just want to build up your savings. And these are all legit.

BUT sometimes, you just gotta splurge on yourself and say “YES, I am worth it.”

IT’S OKAY to spend on YOU once in a while.

We spend so much time taking care of everyone else. Am I right? The career. The kids’ schedules. The house. The partner.
Doing something that’s just for you, the ultimate spa day for your soul... that’s an investment that will pay off in a way that money can’t buy. If cost is the only thing preventing you from booking a shoot: we do offer in-house payment plans. To book your shoot, you simply pay a one-time booking deposit and after your session, once you decide which images you love, we can setup a payment plan to make it work for you.

Still curious about how it all works? Come see for yourself what the whole experience is like in our ladies-only group, Full Exposure Group where you can witness firsthand the transformations of the local women who have shared their body love journeys. While each and every one of these strong and remarkable women offer unique perspective and reason for wanting to do the shoot, they all share the same advice: do it for YOU! Women of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds all agree that the impact a boudoir photoshoot has on their self-esteem is amazing. So come join over 1,500 local women in a drama-free environment, where you can hear real-life stories of women doing it for themselves.

Lin Grosman